It's a my super slim version with similar functionality to the Martin Breidt script, that saves incremental file versions while keeping the name of the latest - most-up-to-date version always the same as the original file. This is good for XRef'ing because the filename does not change.
Synopsis: Incremental Save is a macroscript for 3dsmax R4+ that serves as a replacement to the default incremental saving routine of 3dsmax (the button labeled with '+' next to the file name in the 'Save As' dialog).
The problem with the default routine is that your latest file will always have a different file name. This kills all XRef setups or batch processing of files since the file names always change.
Incremental Save will always kept the latest version of your 3dsmax scene to the same file name.
Installation: Typical/normal macroScript installation (assign it to hotkey/menu)
Usage: Only one
important note (!):
If the initial/original file has not number at the end of its name (e.g. "
scene.max") then the first incremental save (e.g. "
scene01.max") will overwrite the original file. Next saves goes as intended.
Get the script from ScriptSpot.